Tuesday, 27 June 2017

A Post Pregnancy Girdle can Reduce Swelling and Provide Support

Get Back in Your Pre-Pregnancy Shape Faster

Using a post pregnancy girdle is of great help for women who want to get back to their pre pregnancy shape faster and more comfortably. 

The compression provided by an after pregnancy girdle:
       Reduces water retention.
       Assists with lymphatic drainage.
       Improves posture.
       Supports abdominal muscles.

It’s important to research post pregnancy girdles to make sure it’s right for you. If you have already added one to your list or you’re about to buy one, then you’re on the right track to a successful recovery.

When to Start Wearing Her Post Pregnancy Girdle

Women should start using their post pregnancy girdle 2-5 days after giving birth. This varies depending on the type of delivery. Generally women who deliver their baby naturally are able to wear their post pregnancy girdle sooner than women who deliver via C section.

How Long Should the Girdle be Worn? 


After your baby is born, it’s recommended to wear a post pregnancy girdle for approximately six months for best results. During the first 6 months postpartum the pregnancy hormone, Relaxin remains active in a postpartum woman’s body. 

The main role of Relaxin is to allow a woman’s body to stretch and accommodate their baby during pregnancy. The time during which Relaxin lingers in the body a woman continues to feel soft and “stretched out”. Wearing a belly binder gives support and makes for a more effective recovery. 

There are many types of cosmetic belly binders which are not truly meant to be used postpartum. Choosing a medical-grade post pregnancy girdle will give you a more comfortable and safe postpartum recovery experience. 

Gone are the days of uncomfortable and unsafe belly binders. Modern technology has allowed for significant improvements to post pregnancy girdles making them much easier to use and deliver fast and effective outcomes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Abdominal Binder After Surgery – Manage Common C Section Challenges with Belly Binder.

Abdominal Binder is a Must After C Section


Wearing an abdominal binder after a C Section is a must. An abdominal binder will not only make you look slim but will also help you feel safe and confident

A C Section surgical procedure involves:

1.      One incision that is made on your belly.
2.      One incision on your abdominal muscle wall
3.      One incision on your uterus. 

This procedure is known to be life saving but can also cause significant pain, scarring and discomfort on your abdomen as well as pain on your back and legs associated with after effects of surgery. 

Recovery time following a C section varies. 


For some women the recovery is smooth and they are back to normal within 6 weeks post surgery. For many others, recovery time after a C section can be lengthy and last up to a year after giving birth. The duration of this recovery time can be significantly reduced and managed with the use of a belly binder.  

Why will an abdominal binder be helpful after surgery and who should use it? 


Abdominal binders are meant for women who recently gave birth via C section or natural birth and are most commonly worn by women who experience a C section birth. 

C sections are major surgical procedures and recovery is very different from that of women who give birth naturally. 

Some of the differences include:

1.      Having an incision to care for.
2.      Stitches to maintain clean.
3.      Pain Management due to major abdominal surgery.

When you use an abdominal binder after surgery it will tighten and support your abdomen to help you avoid the feeling of your insides ‘falling out” or feeling like your incision will split open. 

Modern Belly Binders Have Excellent Features


A Belly binder is not a new invention, garments like these have been used for postpartum recovery since ancient times. Now in modern times a belly binder is designed with new, unique features and compression fabrics to provide a greater level of comfort.
Belly binders are available in different sizes and can accommodate many body shapes

Recovering after a C section can be challenging and the use of the abdominal binder after surgery can be extremely helpful. Wearing a belly binder will guide your uterus back to its natural size sooner. 

It will also support your back and abdominal regions so you can continue your regular exercise -- once cleared by your Doctor -- without experiencing any complications. Additionally, using a belly binder will assist you in correcting your posture which will feel great since your back is likely strained after having been pregnant for 40 weeks.

Post Partum Girdle – Using the Best C Section Girdle can Make You Feel Safe!

Before you use just any product, it’s always better to know how it works and what sort of benefit it can deliver for you. And the same goes with the post partum girdle that you are looking for in the market. If you have already added this product for your list of items that you wish to buy further, then you should first take a look at the benefits the best C section girdle can deliver. This type of product is a great option for the new moms who have gone through C section surgery. Well, it’s a surgical process and stitches, cuts and pain are the common elements associated with it just like any other surgical process. But the recovery after a C section is something that you need to consider on a high node. In order to make the recovery time faster, best C section girdle can be used by just any new mom out there.

Women, who have gone through C section, should use this product in order to avoid the feelings like loose and unsupported. One of the prime benefits of such belly band is the kind of firm support it offers after the birth of the baby. This also generates a safe feeling. After the C section, stitches can remain there for sometime. During this time frame, a woman may feel insecure and may also feel that her belly will fall out. When you use the post partum girdle, it keeps the belly portion tight and supported. Due to this reason, she can feel very safe. Abdominal binders are designed for those who have gone through C section or the normal childbirth. This also makes such product a perfect aid for the C section recovery. 

While using this product, women can find proper compression around their abdominal region and this offers them an assurance that their wound due to the incision will not get apart or burst open. This is also the time when a woman can feel that her insides may fall out during when she uses to roll over in order to get up from the bed. This is quite a common feeling among women who have gone through C section. So, using the post partum girdle can help you to stay away from this type of fear and can keep you safe. There might be some consequences of C section. But these can be eliminated while using the best C section girdle.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Gifts for Pregnant Women – Post Pregnancy Belt are the Best Gift!

If you are thinking about the right gifts for pregnant women, then you have come to the right place! You might be looking for a quality gift for your spouse who is pregnant, right. Well, for the expected moms, there will be hardly any best gifts than the post pregnancy belt. This is surely a great gift which she will love to use once the baby is born. Well, gifting such type of product can help her to look slim and firm ever after the baby’s birth. 

And women who use to go through the C section recovery time, for them this can be the best product that can help them feel comfortable, confident and tight enough even after the baby’s birth. These days, you can find different types of post pregnancy belt in the market. Some of these belts are designed specifically for those women who have gone through C Section surgery. It’s a surgical process and it takes time to recover after this stage. However, the C section girdle can be used after sometime of this surgery in order to speed up the recovery time. 

After the baby’s birth, a woman can feel loose as well as unsupported due to her extended abdominal region and uterus. This is the right time to start using the post pregnancy belt. It can help a lot to compress the stomach and the uterus so that these organs can get back to the normal shape quickly and in the natural way. But before you use this product, there are a few things you should know first. 

Why you need to wear the post pregnancy or postpartum belt?

  • When you use this product, the bounce back rate can remain faster.
  • It offers a great support for your abdominal and back region.
  • It also helps in flattening the tummy as well as hips.
  • It prevents the growth of fat cells in your body.
  • It also helps in straightening the spine and thus corrects the body posture.
·         It helps the uterus to get back to its normal size and also eliminates the swelling and additional fluid that uses to come out at this stage. 

If you have gone through a normal deliver, then you can start using the post pregnancy belt within one or two days. Some women have also reported that they have started using such product after couple of hours of the baby’s birth. Such products can deliver great benefits for the new moms and that’s why these are considered as the best gifts for the pregnant women.